CCNA IP Addressing and Subnetting - Practical, Exam Prep

Prepare for the IP Subnetting exam topic in the CCNA 200-125 or ICND1 100-105 exams. Pass your CCENT or CCNA exam!

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CCNA IP Addressing and Subnetting - Practical, Exam Prep

Free Courses : CCNA IP Addressing and Subnetting - Practical, Exam Prep

The Cisco CCNA and CCENTexams requirethat you learn how to subnet.

Cisco list this topic as follows on the exam topic list: "Configure, verify, and troubleshoot IPv4 addressing and subnetting"

This course is different to other courses. This course shows you practically how to work out IP subnets and then configure a network based on the subnets you have worked out.

This course has multiple scenarios for practical learning.

Points for the exam:

-Can you work out if hosts are in the same subnet?

- Can you subnet a given network?

- Are you able to practically apply the subnets in a network? Can you configure hosts statically and using DHCP?

- How do you optimize WAN connections?

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