Digital Marketing for Websites: Basics of SEO & Analytics

Learn how to make sense of website statistics & increase organic traffic. A course by Visitor Analytics

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Digital Marketing for Websites: Basics of SEO & Analytics

Free Courses : Digital Marketing for Websites: Basics of SEO & Analytics

With the use of website builders, in 2020, anyone, even people with little to no experience, can create and publish a website in just a few hours. But this is NOT a course about building a website. Almost anybody can do that. This is about how you make your website successful and reach a broader audience.

There are over 1.7 billion websites online right now on the internet, and that number is growing fast. Standing out from that sort of competition is increasingly difficult. You may have something interesting to say or to offer, but its very likely that thousands of other websites from the same niche can claim the same thing.

In order to move ahead of the competition, you need to know how to

  1. increase your number of visitors/traffic

  2. gather data about your website & users

  3. interpret the collected data from the tools used

  4. make data based decisions that will turn your website into a visitors magnet and convert as many as possible into paying customers.

Our course offers all of these, using a hands-on approach, with video tutorials that actually show you how to use the best tools to reach your digital marketing goals. All of our communicated experience is tried and tested in the field. This is thanks to our work at Visitor Analytics, a company with highly relevant background in the field of website and user analytics.

In a first step, we will cover 2 main topics: SEO & website/user analytics. Since the time allocated for this course is limited, we will not go into the most in-depth details. We consider this to be a beginners course, the first step to online success. We will detail each section in future courses that will also offer certificates of completion.

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