Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Multihost Deployment (4 Org, 4 VM)

Learn how to deploy your Hyperledger Fabric Application on Multi-Host, Multi-Org Setup (Cloud)

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Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Multihost Deployment (4 Org, 4 VM)

Free Courses : Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Multihost Deployment (4 Org, 4 VM)


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Setup Hyperledgr Fabric Application on multiple hosts. We are going to use the following configuration for deploying fabric applications.

1) 4 Virtual Machine, One Org on each VM.

2) 4 Orgs (3 Peer Orgs, 1 Orderer Orgs)

3) 4 Certificates Authority for creating certificates. (Each Org has One dedicated CA)

4) Separate API Server(On vm1-Org1) for Transaction Invocation.

What we cover in this course

Purely Hands-on experience of 

  1. VM Creation & Network Setup (4 Orgs - 4 VM)

  2. Create Docker Swarm Network

  3. Cryptomaterials Creation using Certificates Authority (4 Org - 4 CA)

  4. Channel Artifacts Creation

  5. Channel Creation & Joining on Each VM.

  6. Chaincode Install & Approve for Each Orgs

  7. Committing & Invoking Chaincode on Distributed VM

  8. API Server(Container) creation.

We will cover each and every step require to do multi-host deployment

We will carry out all necessary operations on the different virtual machines like installing, approving chain code for each Orgs on different VM.

Note: Poster Image - Illustration by Freepik Stories (stories.freepik/technology)

This course does not include Hyperledger fabric core concepts and focused primarily on Hyperledger fabric multi-host deployment

At the end of this course, you will be in a position to deploy your Hyperledger fabric application on multiple hosts(different VM on the cloud). You will be able to create an API Server for interacting with the blockchain network.

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