Jumpstart your Project Management career

FROM Accidental Project Manager TO Excellent Project Manager

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Jumpstart your Project Management career

Free Courses : Jumpstart your Project Management career

If you lack formal project management training, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with this new responsibility. Accidental project managers often need a fast-track learning program to give them the confidence to see projects through to successful delivery. They need to grow critical project management competencies and learn how to overcome the biggest challenges on projects.

In this course, I will share ten steps to jumpstart your PM career without worrying too much about the nitty-gritty of PM. These tips will make a big difference in your experience when starting. If you are considering a career in project management, this course provides ten tips for success in your PM career. Whether you are handling your first project as an accidental project manager or wish to achieve higher levels of success in your next project, this course is an ideal match for you.

From my experience, Becoming a PM for the first time is like being left in a jungle, where you have to learn to find your way, hunt for food, train and shield your herd from external dangers, and keep the jungle king happy. Also, on the journey, there are a lot of landmines that you need to avoid as they can blow you and your herd.

Sounds Familiar!

Don't worry; each one of us PMs had or will traverse this jungle many times in our career.

My course will give you enough tips to traverse this jungle and build your confidence to emerge as a successful project manager.

I created this course from the webinar delivered earlier in the PMI forum.

Few Review comments on the webinar:

"Great webinar. I learned a lot. Especially about the leadership aspect of PMP and how important it is to foster an environment of collaboration and being able to identify a problem early before it becomes an emergency."

"Thank you. Very good points shared here. Very helpful!"

"Excellent presentation. The experience shared by Anju of the reasoning behind each of the tips, was really good."

"Great tips for anyone in project management, not just the newcomers!"

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