Monday - Project Management software - The Complete Course

Learn Monday and add it to your Project Management skillset

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Monday - Project Management software - The Complete Course

Free Courses : Monday - Project Management software - The Complete Course

Monday is a great tool to have in your project management portfolio of skills. This is a comprehensive Monday course that is properly structured so you can get from zero to hero in 2 hours.

This course will give you a deep understanding of Monday functionality by using hands-on, contextual examples designed to showcase why Monday  is awesome and how they can be applied in a number of ways.


By the end of the course you'll be able to:

Comfortably navigate Mondays's interface

Create boards

Manage projects on Monday

Use all Monday options for items and columns

Communicate efficiently

Advanced search, tag, permission options

Learn how to use all Monday Views

Build Monday Dashboards

Integrations with other apps

Automate tasks

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